Psychic Empath
1. I will keep all readings confidential and discreet.
2. I will not claim 100% accuracy as no one has all the answers all the time.
3. I will work to enhance the image of the metaphysical community by living with personal and professional integrity.
4. I will treat all persons equally without prejudices or discrimination due to race, creed, color religious affiliations or sexual preferences.
5. I will avoid fraudulent practice and always strive for quality in readings and all spiritual and metaphysical work.
6. I will encourage all seekers to accept responsibility and choices they make in their lives.
7. I will honor others "points of view", even if different from mine.
8. I will never predict death for anyone as free-will can change things.
9. I am holding forth that there is one supreme being, be it Infinite Intelligence, a Higher State of Consciousness, a Single Super Energy Source or One to Whom All are Connected, this is where I get my information.
10. I will always work for the "Greater Good".
All readings are private and confidential.
A Professional Medium Reading is not intended to take the place of your health care professionals. If you are in pain, it is recommended that you seek medical assistance.
In a reading you may be given a great deal of information. In accepting a reading, you fully understand that it is your responsibility to decide what information is correct for you and what information is incorrect. Anything may be changed by using your own free will. Neither Shelia Powell nor any of her participants shall be held responsible or liable for injuries or damages incurred by anyone as a result of reliance on or compliance with information presented by Shelia. All psychic readings and consultations are intended to offer insight and in no way constitute legal, financial, professional, or physical advice for which a professional license is required. Advice and consultations do not constitute diagnosis or treatment of any illness be it mental, physical or spiritual. By participating in any reading with Shelia Powell, you understand that we do not address questions regarding death of self or others. You should always consult a medical provider for professional medical advice.
Any reliance you place upon any information received from Shelia Powell must be recognized that the service is to be used only as a reference aid and is not intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgmental. Consultations may be recorded, no guarantee that any electronic devices will work. Recordings of a session is a courtesy only. If Shelia decides that for any reason a recording should not be sent, Shelia reserves the right to withhold distribution.
Rates subject to change without notice.
Readings are available only in English.
If you cancel more than 24 hours before the appointment, you can retain your reading as a credit and you may re-schedule it within 30 days.
No credit is given for cancellations made less than 24 hours before the appointment.
Further we do not represent or warrant that the service will meet your requirements, the service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free or any results obtained from using the service will be accurate, complete or current.
With that said, You must be 18 years of age or older to utilize Shelia's services and place an order for a reading of any kind.
References provided upon request.
Within the first 15 minutes of your reading we will know if this is going to work between the reader or not.
You have the option to say "You know what I am not comfortable with this reading," and we stop it. No charge to you. Please understand if she says to you, does everything sound accurate, and you say yes, this indicates we are on for the reading.
Although it is your responsibility, it is usually the psychic medium who will stop the reading. We can tell when we hit people. "Ummm, maybe" or "well, it could be..." are not connecting answers. This tells us we are not connecting with you on the level we want to.
We understand that you might be disappointed if she cannot read you, but trust, you would be MORE disappointed to get a half-rate reading. You must trust her judgment in this if she chooses to disconnect the reading. This is ultimately for your benefit.
Why would this happen? Several reasons.
Many times you do not need the reading.
You are not supposed to be aware of what is coming. This sounds ominous, but it's not.
The chemistry between us is not right. This can happen. Don't forget we are human too. As much as we try to stay in the light, sometimes we are in a bad mood too. We won't do your reading if that is the case, it would be unfair to you.
You are too close minded. If you are a huge skeptic and looking to prove us wrong, don't call. We have a limited amount of time to work with people and don't have the energy to entertain you.
So, what do we do if any of the above happen? You have a choice. And, we want you to understand it doesn't matter to us, we just want you to be comfortable.
Reschedule your appointment - this may take some time to get you rescheduled.
Refund your money, credit your card, etc.
Transfer the reading to another qualified reader, with your permission of course.
Her reputation matters to her, and she wants to only give her clients the best she can.
If you are not available from more than 6 minutes into your reading time, then you will have to be rescheduled. We will do our best to be on time, and to give our best. Please do the same.
Please be aware that we may cancel appointments as well. Sometimes at the last moment.
If you call for your appointment while drinking or using drugs (we are not speaking of maintenance medication here) your appointment will be cancelled and not rescheduled.
When you are drinking or drugging you cannot be a clear read and have not taken this reading in the spirit it is intended, there is nothing but chaos when we look into you.